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Other Orthodontic Options

Ceramic Braces (Clear Braces) Jonesboro Orthodontist 

Ceramic braces (also referred to as “clear braces”) offer and aesthetic alternative to the orthodontic patient. Ceramic dental braces are just like traditional metal braces with the exception that the brackets that are bonded onto the patient’s teeth are clear or tooth-colored, as opposed to metal. Clear braces are nearly invisible, though they are worn just as traditional braces are. Because the brackets are clear or matched to the natural color of your teeth, the aesthetics of this treatment is superb. 

Non-Ligating Braces 

Non-ligating braces are essentially brackets that do not require tying (or ligating) the arch wire into the bracket with timy ‘O-rings’ or wire ties. Non-ligating braces tend to move teeth more freely with tiny ‘O-rings’ or wire ties. Non-ligating braces ten to move teeth more freely with less friction along the arch wire, which generally results in less treatment time for our patients.

TADs (Orthodontic Anchorage)

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) provide efficient and flexible biomechanics. The latest generation of TADs significantly enhance treatment capabilities and can be extremely effective in reducing treatment time, surgeries and extractions.

Indirect Bonding

Indirect bonding represents a step-by-step process that allows Dr. Podray to fundamentally reduce the amount of chair time involved when bonding brackets to a patient. Dr. Podray’s indirect bonding system greatly improves the patient experience, as the process significantly reduces the patient’s chair time spent holding their jaw open to accommodate bonding. In other words, the indirect bonding system allows complete bonding in roughly 30 minutes vs. the 60 to 90 minutes that patients would typically experience during conventional bonding procedures.

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