Uncovering The Truth: Four Orthodontist Facts You Need to Know.

July 19, 2015 admin


This list of orthodontist facts provides a list of services not obvious at your first appointment. An orthodontist starts with dental school but specializes in the treatment of dental alignment. Though specialized, an orthodontist offers benefits similar to the best professionals in other areas.

Fact #1: Orthodontists offer as many cosmetic benefits as plastic surgeons.

One of the first things acquaintances notice about you is your face. Your smile might be second to your eyes, but it’s a close second.

Aligned teeth offer a permanent improvement in your smile. An orthodontist achieves this cosmetically pleasing result for the patient. Just like a plastic surgeon might eliminate wrinkles, an orthodontist eliminates crooked teeth. Wrinkles may return after plastic surgery. However, a patient maintains aligned teeth for a lifetime.

Fact #2: Orthodontists have as many tools in their tool kit as a handyman.

Orthodontists must be able to offer many tools to treat today’s diverse patient. An orthodontist sees patients as young as seven and patients far into adulthood. Their equipment must fit a wide variety of clients. Their office must support all types of patients. Chairs in the office and dental tools must fit large and small patients.

An assortment of treatment programs ensures the best option is available for a given patient. A public speaker certainly prefers Invisalign while a teenager might select Wild Smiles. Patients with metal allergies need ceramic braces. A flexible orthodontist has tools that match a patient’s unique medical history, bone structure, treatment goals, and finances.

Fact #3: They offer as clean a mouth as a dentist.

The tools of an orthodontist improve appearance and function simultaneously. They also impact dental health. A twice yearly visit to your dentist helps clean your teeth of plaque. Aligned teeth allow for thorough brushing and flossing. A cleaner mouth is possible not twice yearly but twice a day, 365 days a year.

Fact #4: They offer as much of a confidence boost as a counselor.

Therapists coach clients through a treatment path to ultimately improve their satisfaction with life. An orthodontist improves a patient’s satisfaction with her teeth.

An aesthetically pleasing smile is a great reason for a patient to be happy enough to wear a grin. Comfort in chewing and speaking promotes confidence in social situations involving food and networking. People comfortable with their appearance tend to engage in more activities and maintain a larger social network. These ties are proven to help people lead longer and happier lives.

Check out some of the amazing transformations patients at Homegrown Orthodontics in Jonesboro, Georgiahave experienced with our help.  Will you be next?